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  The Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris is a church building in the heart of Paris, France, on the island of Sidi, and the cathedral of the Catholic Diocese of Paris. Notre Dame built in the period from 1163 to 1250, is a Gothic architectural form, is the French island of Gothic church group inside, very important representative of a. Was built in 1163 years, is the Archbishop of Paris, Morris de Souley decided to build, the whole church was built in 1345, which lasted 180 years.


  【Chinese name】 Notre Dame de Paris

   Paris, France, Cedi (Cite) southeast

   Jean de Chelles

  Pierre de Montreuil (Pierre de Montreuil)

  Jean Ravy

  Viollet-le-Duc (Viollet-le-Duc)

  【Introduction】 Notre Dame is a Gothic style Christian church, is a symbol of ancient Paris. It stands on the banks of the Seine, in the center of the city of Paris. Its status, historical value is unparalleled, is one of the most glorious buildings in history. The church is famous for its sculptures and paintings of Gothic architectural style, altars, cloisters, doors and windows, and a large number of art treasures of the 13th to 17th centuries. Although this is a religious building, but it shines the wisdom of the French people, reflecting the people’s pursuit of a better life and longing.


  Notre Dame of the Notre Dame "Notre Dame" intentionally "our lady", the lady does not mean someone else, it means Jesus’ mother of the Virgin Mary. Notre Dame Cathedral is not the first religious building on its address, according to some of the cultural relics excavated under the church base, which is used as a religious use history, can be traced back to Rome’s Tiberius (Emperor Tiberius ), In the eastern half of the island may be built with a sacrifice to Rome and Gaul God only the temple.

  As for the first Christian church to be built at this address, the site of Notre Dame has a twists and turns of history. In the 4th century was a Christian church used to worship St. Stephen and became a Roman church in the 6th century , And this church has 12 cornerstone from the original site of the Roman temple. It is also argued that the cathedral was reconstructed on the basis of the previously existing churches in the year 528 when Childebert I of the Mérovingiens (Mérovingiens).

  In the 12th century Louis VII, the original Romanesque church has been damaged, in 1160 was elected bishop of Paris, Maurice de Sully (Maurice de Sully) decided to build a place in this place and St. Tani The cathedral (the Cathedral of St. Etienne) comparable to the magnificent church. There are also historical data show that there have been two churches, one is the St. Tenny Cathedral, the other is the Virgin Mary Church. St. Tenny Cathedral as early as the 10th century, has become a Paris, or the entire French religious center. However, it is precisely because of this importance, people began to find the original St. Stephen’s Church and its commitment to the task does not match, coupled with the original church has been with the time and old, and began to think about re-building the church.

  The Notre Dame de Paris was built in 1163 and was built in 1345. The church was once the place where the whole European artisan organization and educational organization rally. Because of these historical origins, the most famous Sorbonne in Paris is located here. At the end of the French Revolution in the late 18th century, most of the treasures of the church were destroyed or plundered, and the images of the displaced carved and the head were cut off, and the only big bell was spoiled without being destroyed. Soak a hundred holes. After the church to rational temple, and later became a wine warehouse, until 1804 Napoleon in power, it will be used for religious purposes.

  Victor Hugo, a famous French writer, has done his poetic design of Notre Dame in his novel "Notre Dame de Paris". This novel is written in the romantic era of French literature. After the publication of the 1831 book, it caused a great reverberation, and many people wanted to build the old-fashioned Notre Dame, and launched a fundraising program. But also caused the then authorities on the construction of the Notre Dame’s concern. The restoration plan began in 1844 and was chaired by the historian and architect Eugene Viollet-le-Duc to reproduce the glory of Notre Dame. In 1845, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine Lassus, 1807-1857 and Viollet-le-Duc were responsible for the complete renovation of the church, which lasted for 23 years, Holy hall, so today we see the Notre Dame de Paris, there are many elements that are reinterpreted by them.

  Today, the Notre Dame is still the masterpiece of the French Gothic architecture, and almost maintained the original original style. Notre Dame also shows the history of the Gothic cathedral.

  Construction process

  In 1160, the bishop of Paris, Maurice de Sully (Maurice de Sully) initiated the church reconstruction plan, Pope Alexander III (Pope Alexander III) in 1163 personally lay the foundation (also said that the bishop of Sullivan), opened The construction of the French Gothic architecture masterpiece.

  1182 years from the beginning of the construction of the singing hall, after the start of the construction of the church is very fast, so in 1182, when the Pope’s angel gave a new altar, the basic function of Notre Dame is roughly formed. Until this stage, the workers began to dismantle the old church (in ancient times, the old church and the new church will not be built early to remove the church to continue the daily religious operation). In the construction plan of Notre Dame, the new building was moved eastward than the original building in order to free up a square that could serve as a parade in front of the church. In order to achieve this, the Bishop of the Pleiades will be an isolated island in the east of the island of Xidai Island and the island connected to the way to fill the building can be used to build the church. In addition, he built a lot of houses, so that we can lay a new street "Rue Neuve Notre-Dame" (Rue Neuve Notre-Dame), this six-meter-wide street is the largest medieval street in Paris The As for the bishop mansion and the church attached to the hospital (the main palace hospital), because the island is not enough land, forced to migrate to the south bank of the Seine.

  Then built the temple in 1208. Between 1225 and 1250, the west side of the Notre Dame was built and the minaret was built, and during the period from 1235 to 1250, many chapels were added in the main hall. Jean de Chelles and Pierre de Montreuil were responsible for the expansion of the facade of the cross of the church. In 1296 - 1330, Pierre de Chelles (Jean Ravy) completed a semicircular apse, where Xie Ye changed the door niche to see the appearance of today, and Kazakhstan Dimension completed the choir screen. The façade of the church’s twin towers went to the 13th century and started in the hands of the third architect, Harvey, and in the 1220s, by the fourth architect, Duke and the roof part of the joint, together to complete. Through the French several generations of all kinds of handicrafts master: masons division, carpenters, blacksmiths, sculptors, glass carvings and so on and so on to the followers, Notre Dame finally completed in 1345, took nearly two centuries.

  Historical events

  In 1239 King St. Louis placed the thorns corpses at Notre Dame.

  1302 Philips - Lebel (Philippe le Bel) in Notre Dame opened the first time the Royal State convened the General Assembly. Then all kinds of rituals: grace ceremonies, weddings, coronation, baptism, funerals and so on

  1430 years of the young King Henry IV coronation ceremony

  1455 Violence Against Joan of Arc. National heroine Joan of Arc for the French leader of the war victory, but later sold, was executed by fire. Many years after the Church of Notre Dame to be rehabilitated, held a rehabilitated ceremony, in the courtyard erected Joan of Arc statue, from the future known as "Joan of Arc".

  In 1572 Margurerite of Valois married Henry of Navarre.

  1687 held the funeral of the Grand Duke.

  In 1708 Louis XIV was in accordance with the wishes of his father to modify the altar to glorify the Virgin.

  December 2, 1804 Pope VII Pie VII (Pie VII) to come to the crowned Napoleon emperor.

  In 1811 the emperor of Rome accepted the baptism ceremony.

  August 26, 1944 in the Notre Dame held in Paris liberation ceremony.

  1945 read the second world war victory hymns

  On November 12, 1970, the residence of General de Gaulle was held.

  May 31, 1980 Pope Paul II held an extraordinary prayer party here.









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